The Good Citizen Challenge Teaches Kids About Civics
What can you do to improve your community?
Explore this year’s Challenge and find out!
The world needs more Good Citizens — people who nurture our communities and value our democracy; who listen to and consider different perspectives; who pitch in, help others and take care of the things we all share.
Since 2018, the Good Citizen Challenge has been encouraging Vermont students in grades K-8 to learn civics and practice the habits of good citizenship.
Each Challenge invites participants to learn about their communities, their government and news literacy — and find ways to help others. In return, the organizers recognize their work in Seven Days newspaper and parenting magazine Kids VT — and in person during a reception at the Vermont State House.
Participants also win prizes. Everyone who entered the 2024 Challenge had the chance to win a trip for two to Washington, D.C.!
See their inspiring work!
Meet some Good Citizens who met the Challenge in 2024.

The Summer 2024 Good Citizen Challenge is organized by Burlington-based Seven Days, — Vermont’s locally owned, independent weekly — and its free quarterly parenting magazine Kids VT with underwriting support from the Evslin Family Foundation and Vermont Community Foundation.
Good Citizen Challenge Organizers
2024 Good Citizen Challenge Underwriters
The Evslin Family

2024 Good Citizen Challenge Partners
Touring the Statehouse!
On March 27, 2019 the 2018 class of Good Citizens met Gov. Phil Scott and were recognized by the Vermont House for their contributions to their communities.

“However we choose to fulfill our civic duty, each of us has a role to play. This responsibility to and respect for each other is part of what makes Vermont so special. So that’s why I’m very pleased to help celebrate the launch of this program, which I hope will encourage young Vermonters to learn more about our state, their communities, government and our civic responsibilities.”

“It’s just very exciting for me to see [the Good Citizen Challenge] and the idea that you can get points by having a conversation with someone who you disagree with, and see what you learn from it. Because really, that’s what happens in this building all the time.”

“I’m often asked to visit high schools and colleges to talk about civic engagement, and my message is always: Even if you can’t vote yet, there are so many important ways you can get involved.”

“There are real people behind stereotypes we paint of the other side. The Good Citizen Challenge helps more young people understand that when you engage in the discourse, those stereotypes start to fade. And you start to truly understand what it means to be a good citizen.”

“Our youth have so much to offer. We simply, in light of the opportunities and the challenges we face today, cannot afford to squander that potential.”

“How can Americans participate in their democracy — or defend it — if they don’t understand the principles on which it rests? As former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor said, ‘Civic knowledge can’t be handed down the gene pool. It has to be learned.'”
Photo: Jeb Wallace-Brodeur
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